Whirpool Air Conditioner Restoration

by | July 2, 2024

This was a spontaneous project from several years ago. I acquired an old AC unit for cheap and decided to give it a once over before using it. It was supposed to be a basic cleaning; clean the filter, the condenser and evaporator fins and start using it because it was June and the heat was ON, but my OCD kicked in and I ended up dismantling the entire unit down to its bare parts and cleaning, painting and rebuilding it. What really drove the decision was finding mold inside the recirculation chamber, and just the general state of the unit itself. It was gross and I didn’t want to use it as is.

A view into the chamber of styrofoam

Cover repainted and reinstalled. That blue thing is a temperature sensor. New foam gasketing material around the air chamber and various other places.

The unit has been working great for many years and keeps my electronics repair area absolutely frozen if I need it to. I may do a quick follow up just to show some of the wear its endured over the years and see what is holding up and what isn’t.

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